Shodashvarga Analysis: Exploring the Sixteen Divisions of Vedic Astrology

In the realm of Vedic astrology, Shodashvarga analysis holds a significant place in deciphering the complexities of a birth chart. Derived from the Sanskrit words "shodash" meaning sixteen and "varga" meaning division, Shodashvarga refers to the system of dividing the zodiac into sixteen distinct divisions or harmonic charts. Each division focuses on a specific aspect of life, offering valuable insights into various areas such as career, relationships, health, and spirituality. In this article, we will explore the concept of Shodashvarga analysis, its significance, and how it aids in unraveling the intricate layers of an individual's astrological makeup.

Understanding Shodashvarga Analysis

Shodashvarga analysis is a technique in Vedic astrology that divides the zodiac into sixteen divisions or harmonic charts, each with its own significance and focus. These sixteen divisions are:

  1. Rashi or D1 Chart: The main birth chart that represents the overall life pattern and personality traits of an individual.
  2. Hora or D2 Chart: Focuses on wealth, assets, and material possessions.
  3. Drekkan or D3 Chart: Reveals information about siblings, courage, and short journeys.
  4. Chaturthamsa or D4 Chart: Examines properties, land, mother, and happiness.
  5. Saptamsa or D7 Chart: Sheds light on children, creativity, and speculative ventures.
  6. Navamsa or D9 Chart: Considered a crucial chart for marriage, partnerships, and spiritual inclinations.
  7. Dashamsa or D10 Chart: Focuses on career, reputation, and professional achievements.
  8. Dwadashamsa or D12 Chart: Explores parents, travel, and spiritual inclinations.
  9. Shodasamsa or D16 Chart: Examines vehicles, comforts, and pleasures of life.
  10. Vimshamsa or D20 Chart: Provides insights into spirituality, religious inclinations, and divine blessings.
  11. Chaturvimshamsa or D24 Chart: Focuses on learning, education, and knowledge.
  12. Saptavimshamsa or D27 Chart: Provides insights into strength, endurance, and ability to overcome challenges.
  13. Trimsamsa or D30 Chart: Examines adverse or challenging influences, diseases, and obstacles.
  14. Khavedamsa or D40 Chart: Sheds light on ancestral influences, inherited properties, and family lineage.
  15. Akshavedamsa or D45 Chart: Explores the power of the self, leadership abilities, and self-realization.
  16. Shastiamsa or D60 Chart: Provides insights into past life influences, karmic patterns, and spiritual evolution.

Significance of Shodashvarga Analysis

Shodashvarga analysis is of paramount importance in Vedic astrology as it delves deep into the various aspects of an individual's life. Each division focuses on a specific area and provides valuable insights into the corresponding life domain.

By examining the Shodashvarga charts, astrologers can gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's strengths, weaknesses, potentials, and challenges. This analysis helps in guiding individuals towards making informed decisions, understanding their life purpose, and navigating the complexities of their life journey.

Interpreting Shodashvarga Analysis

Interpreting Shodashvarga analysis requires a deep understanding of the significations and characteristics of each division, as well as the interactions between the divisions. Astrologers carefully examine the placement of planets, their strengths, and aspects within each division to gain insights into the specific aspects of life represented by that division.

The interactions between different Shodashvarga charts provide a nuanced understanding of how various areas of life interplay with each other. For example, the relationship between the Navamsa (D9) and Dashamsa (D10) charts can reveal insights into the connection between marriage and career.

Astrologers also assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of planets in different divisions to understand the overall dynamics of an individual's life. By analyzing the planetary influences in the relevant divisions, they can offer guidance and predictions related to specific life areas.

Practical Applications of Shodashvarga Analysis

Shodashvarga analysis finds practical applications in various aspects of life. It helps individuals gain insights into their career choices, relationships, health matters, and spiritual inclinations. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different areas of life, individuals can make informed decisions and focus their efforts in areas where they are likely to excel.

Additionally, Shodashvarga analysis aids in understanding the karmic influences and patterns in an individual's life. It helps in identifying karmic lessons, challenges, and opportunities for growth and evolution.


Shodashvarga analysis is a powerful tool in Vedic astrology that provides insights into the various aspects of an individual's life. By examining the sixteen divisions or harmonic charts, astrologers gain a comprehensive understanding of strengths, weaknesses, and potentials. This analysis empowers individuals to make informed decisions, understand their life purpose, and navigate their life journey with awareness and resilience.

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