Kundli Matching: Understanding Ashtakoot Gunas

Saiansh Arya • 2023-07-16

Ashtakoot Points, or Guna Milan, are pivotal in Vedic astrology for assessing marital compatibility. This ancient system evaluates eight aspects of each partner's personality, determining harmony and understanding. The significance of these points lies in their ability to gauge potential dynamics between couples, making them an essential tool in traditional Hindu matchmaking.

Kundli matching, also known as Horoscope matching or Vedic compatibility analysis, is an essential tradition in Hindu astrology. It is a process of comparing and analyzing the birth charts of prospective partners to determine their compatibility and the likelihood of a successful and harmonious marriage. The process is based on the principles of Ashtakoot and Dashakoot Gunas, which assign points to various factors in the birth charts of both individuals. Let's delve deeper into these concepts and understand how they influence the process of Kundli matching or Kundli Milan.

The Importance of Kundli Milan

In Indian culture, marriage is not just a union of two individuals but also a union of their families and their destinies. Kundli matching is considered crucial as it helps identify potential compatibility and incompatibility areas between the prospective couple. It can offer insights into factors like temperament, mental and physical compatibility, financial stability, progeny prospects, and overall happiness in the marital relationship.

Ashtakoot Guna Milan

Ashtakoot Guna Milan is one of the primary methods of Kundli matching. It involves the assessment of eight different aspects, also known as "kootas," in the birth charts of the bride and groom. Each of these kootas carries a specific weightage or points, and the total score obtained at the end determines the compatibility between the two individuals.

The eight kootas are as follows:

1. Varna (1 point): Varna refers to the social compatibility between the couple. It assesses their spiritual development and the similarity of their attitudes towards work and responsibilities.

2. Vashya (2 points): Vashya measures the magnetic control and influence that one partner has over the other. It signifies mutual attraction and compatibility.

3. Tara (3 points): Tara represents the longevity and well-being of the partners. It assesses the health and prosperity prospects of the relationship.

4. Yoni (4 points): Yoni evaluates the sexual compatibility and intimacy between the couple. It assesses the physical attraction and harmony between them.

5. Graha Maitri (5 points): Graha Maitri focuses on mental compatibility and friendship between the partners. It analyzes the mutual understanding and rapport they share.

6. Gana (6 points): Gana represents the temperament of the partners, classified into three categories: Deva (divine), Manushya (human), and Rakshasa (demonic). Compatibility is higher if both partners belong to the same category.

7. Bhakoot (7 points): Bhakoot assesses the influence of the moon signs on each other. It represents emotional compatibility and harmony.

8. Nadi (8 points): Nadi examines the health and genes of the couple. It analyzes the presence of similar or different Nadi dosha (imbalance) and its impact on their progeny prospects.

Let's delve into a more detailed explanation of how to calculate each aspect of Ashtakoot Gunas

1. Varna (1 Point): Varna measures the spiritual compatibility between the partners, primarily based on their Moon signs. The Moon sign represents an individual's emotional nature and their approach towards spirituality. There are four Varnas: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra.

To calculate Varna points:

  • Identify the Moon sign of both partners from their birth charts.
  • If both partners have the same Moon sign, they receive 1 point.

2. Vashya (2 Points): Vashya evaluates the control and dominance that one partner has over the other in the relationship. It is determined by comparing the zodiac signs of both partners and grouping them into five categories: Chatushpada (quadruped), Avesh (wild animal), Vanchar (insects), Jalchar (aquatic), and Keet (reptiles).

To calculate Vashya points:

  • Find the Nakshatra (lunar constellation) of both partners from their birth charts.
  • Determine the group to which each Nakshatra belongs (Chatushpada, Avesh, etc.).
  • If both partners fall under the same group, they receive 2 points.

3. Tara (3 Points): Tara evaluates the health, well-being, and longevity of the relationship based on the Janma Nakshatras (birth stars) of both partners. There are a total of 9 Taras.

To calculate Tara points:

  • Find the Janma Nakshatra of both partners from their birth charts.
  • Count the number of Nakshatras between the Janma Nakshatras of the male and female partner.
  • Depending on the number of Nakshatras, assign points as follows:
    • 3 points for a difference of 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 Nakshatras.
    • 2 points for a difference of 2, 6, 8, and 12 Nakshatras.
    • 1 point for a difference of 1, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18 Nakshatras.

4. Yoni (4 Points): Yoni represents the sexual compatibility and intimate bonding between the partners. It is determined by examining the Nakshatra of the Moon in the birth chart of both partners. Each Nakshatra is associated with an animal symbol, and the compatibility of these animal symbols results in a specific score. There are a total of 14 Yonis.

To calculate Yoni points:

  • Find the Nakshatra of the Moon for both partners from their birth charts.
  • Compare the Yoni of the male partner with the female partner to determine the score.

5. Graha Maitri (5 Points): Graha Maitri examines the intellectual compatibility and friendship shared by the couple. It is based on the placement of the Moon in each other's birth chart.

To calculate Graha Maitri points:

  • Find the Moon sign of both partners from their birth charts.
  • Determine the distance between the Moon signs of the male and female partner.
  • Assign points as follows:
    • 5 points for the same Moon sign.
    • 4 points for a difference of 12 signs.
    • 3 points for a difference of 5, 9 signs.
    • 2 points for a difference of 2, 3, 10 signs.
    • 1 point for a difference of 1, 4, 7, 8, 11 signs.

6. Gana (6 Points): Gana measures the temperament and nature of the partners based on the Nakshatra of the Moon. Each Nakshatra belongs to one of the three Ganas: Deva (divine), Manushya (human), or Rakshasa (demonic).

To calculate Gana points:

  • Find the Nakshatra of the Moon for both partners from their birth charts.
  • Determine the Gana to which each Nakshatra belongs.
  • If both partners share the same Gana, they receive 6 points.

7. Bhakoot (7 Points): Bhakoot assesses the overall compatibility between the Moon signs of both partners. It is based on the distance or Nakshatra between the Moon signs of both individuals.

To calculate Bhakoot points:

  • Find the Moon sign of both partners from their birth charts.
  • Determine the Nakshatra of each Moon sign.
  • Assign points based on the Nakshatra distance, ranging from 0 to 7 points.

8. Nadi (8 Points): Nadi evaluates the health and genetic compatibility between the partners, focusing on potential health issues that may arise in their offspring. There are three Nadis: Adi, Madhya, and Antya.

To calculate Nadi points:

  • Find the Nakshatra of the Moon for both partners from their birth charts.
  • Determine the Nadi to which each Nakshatra belongs.
  • If both partners have different Nadis, they receive 8 points.

Step 4: Adding the Points After calculating the points for each aspect, add them up to get the total Ashtakoot Points for the couple. The maximum total score is 36.

Obtained Results



18 to 24: ACCEPTABLE



Ashtakoot Gunas holds significant importance in Hindu astrology, particularly in the context of marriage matchmaking. It helps individuals and families gain insight into the potential harmony and challenges that may arise in a marital relationship. However, it is crucial to remember that Ashtakoot Gunas are just one aspect of compatibility assessment, and factors such as mutual understanding, respect, communication, and shared values play an equally important role in a successful marriage.

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